The last couple of days have been so freaking cool. I love my computer and it loves me back. I was thinking about how much I will be posting and I thought maybe I should find people to actually read it. I'm pretty sure my audience at this point is at zero but I used to have a few people who read it. Really. So I'm gonna start checking out other peoples blogs and see if they'll check mine out. If you do happen to read this feel free to leave me a comment and tell me what you think. What's in it for you? Not much but at least you'll be improving your typing skills
I was also thinking about why the heck people would ever want to read my blog. I figure the only thing I have going on right now is that I can tell interesting, true stories about my life. So I better make sure I always at least have that. Now that I've said it though I feel like no story I tell could possibly live up to expectations. Hmm. Oh I know something I can talk about.
My band, Hyadbrink, are recording an EP. We are recording it with a friend of mine from my old job at my church. He has been playing and recording music for most of his life so he knows what he's doing. The only real problem has been that scheduling conflicts are making the recording process take much longer than we had originally planned on. But if things going according to (our new)plan we should be done with all recording within a couple of weeks. All that's really left is for me to sing so... We got a rough version of our song that is the most finished and it sounds great, I think. It's on our mysace right now and the response has been really great.
Another non-mackbook thing going on in my life is the amazing Netflix. I started a few months ago and I love it. I seriously have hundreds of DVD's lined up and waiting to come to me. They have every movie I've ever wanted to see so I figured why not send them all. Anyone who has it will agree with me that it has revolutionized their life. I don't even really care about going to the movies anymore.
As far as Laura and I go things are constantly changing. At this moment we are not "together" but we are still very good friends. Certain things (nothing dramatic or stupid) had been causing Laura to reconsider how she viewed our relationship and I think for the better we decided we should be just friends for now.
To end this post I'd like to thank everyone who hung in there with this blog through what has become known as "the great drought." Oh yeah, that's no one. But nevermind all that. Spread the word; Thought Cavalcade is back and better than ever!! What a glorious occasion.
Movie: Minority Report