Today was the first Saturday in long time that I didn't sleep in until like noon. My friend Luke spent the night last night so before his wife came to pick him up we were up talking and stuff so it was kinda nice. After that I lazed around for a while until I got a voice
iChat invite from Ferocious (across the hallway).

He tells me that we are gonna do lunch at
Costco. It sounds kinda weird but no where else do you get to buy fresh baked pizza in bulk. I hung out there for a while with Ferocious and Alastair where we got to talking about going to see
X-Men 3. Although I had already "seen" it I really was dozing off and on through the whole thing so I figured I'd go see it again and see what I missed. This time I stayed awake a little bit better but sleeping in movies is just kinda what I do unless it's REALLY good or something.

After the movie we went back to Ryan's house and Computer Clubbed it up. Hence the sweet picture up top. One thing a few and my friend's have been getting into is making up songs on
Garage Band. We are in the middle of a competition to see who can come up with the best songs. I'll try and find some way I can put them up for people (by people I mean me) to check out. They are pretty sweet.
Last thing I want to mention before I go to sleep is a cool website I've been checking out a lot. It's called
What Would Tyler Durden Do. It's a good way to stay up to date on the latest celebrity news without feeling like a loser... I think that might be an oxymoron. I don't know.
The Woodsman