Yesterday, my internet was down all day so I wasn’t able to post anything. But that wasn’t the biggest problem. Since the internet was down, my email was down also. All day I had this feeling of confinement. I could have left work and gone outside or actually done some non-modem related work, but no. I sat there feeling trapped like a zoo animal. I sat at my desk all day, pathetically re-trying and re-trying to start the internet. When I got to work today I was relieved to see that the problem had been fixed. I hate to say this but if it wasn’t fixed I probably would’ve wasted another day waiting for it to work instead of doing something else. Is this kind of thing my fault or societies? Since I don’t like taking responsibility I’ll assume its society’s. Yeah, that’s what it is.
Tomorrow I have an interview at Albertson’s. I applied only a couple days ago but I wasn’t too surprised by the quick response. Not because they’re desperate for employees or because I’m such a hot commodity, but because on the application I told them I would work all hours at any position. I know grocery workers make more money than I do but I’m still a little worried. I'm worried because about four or five months ago the Grocery Union went on strike for like three months or something. I don’t know how they compensate for picketing but I would almost rather be a "scab" and get paid than march around a store at $2 an hour. Before I decide what job I’ll take I want to check out a few more places including the local school district. With the district I’d get weekends off, twice the pay of my church job, 9-5 regularity, and hopefully I can get a better-than-average starting position because my grandma worked their for 30 years and was the most loved person in the building. The relation couldn’t hurt, right? Of course whatever job I get would always be my plan B, fallback job. My main aspirations are still being a recording engineer/producer or [knocking on wood] being a part of a successful band. Aside from that all I want to do is start a family and support it. I don’t care how I do it, just as long as I can pay the bills. And I know they’ll be plenty.
Movie: Gattaca