So it’s official. I’m moving into an apartment with a couple other guys in late November. As part of my "don’t pay rent" plan, I’m still looking for a place to stay for the next month though. There are a couple of options including either my fiancé’s house or the guitar player of Band B’s house. Both would probably be rent free, but even if they’re not it should be cheaper than living at home. It’s starting to get exciting, all this moving out stuff but I’m still waiting to get totally ready and psyched until I find a place to stay for now. It seems like now that I’m trying to move out everything is getting so expensive. Gas is more expensive now than ever before. Housing costs (including apartment rents) are up. Car insurance costs way more than when any other generation paid for it and nowadays, in CA at least, it’s mandatory! Considering these things as well as a number of other increased costs, I’m looking for a new job.
I found out that what I do at work would normally pay about twice as much anywhere else, but because I work for a church it doesn’t. So I’ve started looking around for new jobs and second jobs but haven’t had any luck yet. If anyone knows someone or is someone who wants to hire a hard working, punctual, very professional office assistant let me know. Preferably, a Southern California job offering full time positions with benefits. What!? I’m not being picky, I’m getting married! I need this more than Ben Affleck needs a hit movie. Yes, that bad.
Another thing I really want is a video game that came out yesterday. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. I do kinda feel like a loser for still playing video games but I feel like even more of a loser because I don’t have this one yet and it’s probably gonna be one of the most popular games this year (aside from Halo 2, maybe). You know when you play a video game and you think to yourself that some parts of the game are cool but other parts suck? Well the GTA series has been making games for many years and each new addition consistently replaces the crappy aspects with awesome aspects. This latest game seems like it’s gonna be about perfect. And I can’t play it. Not yet at least.
I guess I’ll stop short of putting up my entire Christmas List, but sadly these are only a few of the MANY things I wish I had. I hope everyone can feel my pain. If you do please feel free to donate money to me and my cause. You can contribute by cash, check, or any major credit card. For only $200 a day can sponser a poor boy like Travis and keep him rolling in cash, the way he was meant to live. Just click here and ask for more details. It's that easy.
Movie: Minority Report
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