Lately I've been frequenting the Fed Ex website a lot. I load the page, wait, refresh the page, wait, refresh the page, wait, refresh the page, wait, refresh the page, wait, refresh, wait, refresh, wait, refresh, wait, refresh... You get the idea. Anyone who has ever eagerly waited a year for the laptop of their dreams and then one day been graciously given the money to buy it only to be teased all weekend by the Fed Ex Tracking system telling you that your package has made it from Shanghai to Los Angeles in two days but now has to wait out the weekend to come to your door will know what I'm going through. I'm betting (optimistically, I know) that within the next 24 hours I should have a new computer in my hands. I promise that after six months of having it I will refer to it at the most only 10-20 times per posting and not a single time more. You're just gonna have to give me some time to let it all sink in. Until next time, you can find me at
Movie: The Ladykillers
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