So I've been posting as much as I can recently even though I haven't had a lot to talk about. Today, however I do have a story. I've been saving it for when I have some time to spend on it. It's that good. A couple weeks ago I was helping my friend Alastair move some of his storage from one place to another during our lunch break. We loaded up our cars with stuff from the first place and were on our way to the second storage center. On the way there I was stopped at a stop light behind a few other cars. To my right was a gas station. A lady was trying to pull out and turn right. As the light turned green I waited a moment for her to jump in front of me. Apparently this was taking way to many seconds for the trucker directly behind me in his unhitched big-rig. He laid on his big trucker horn. This was his first mistake. It was not a polite horn honk. It was way to long for that. He was pissed and was gonna let me know. OK. That's his right. Then it was my turn to exploit my rights. I decided to screw with him. He obviously had a short fuse, so I had a good chance of getting a good reaction out of him. I hit the gas, then quickly hit the brakes. I repeated this maybe 2 or 3 times before he got the message and merged his truck left to get around me. In my head it was over and I had won. But little did I know how sad this poor trucker's life really was.
He pulled up next to me and glared his evil glare, trying to get my drift. I looked over at him and flashed him a smile. Not what he was expecting. He flipped me off and sped up. In his old trucker mind he probably figured it was over and he won. Not the case. This time I pulled up to him and smiled some more but this time I pushed it even further... I waved. He couldn't believe it. To a dumb trucker the only response to getting flipped off should be more flipping off. It's not their fault. They have under developed brains. That's been proven so don't bother veifying it. Anyway, about this time I had to make a turn toward the storage center while the trucker kept going. As we parted he kept glaring and flipping off while I kept smiling and waving. You know very cordially. As I pulled into the storage place I wondered if Alastair had noticed what was going on a few car lengthes behind him between me and Trucker (his name from now on). A parked in a spot right in front of the office while Alastair talked to the attendent. I sat their thinking of how funny it all was. I chuckeled to myself as I imagined Trucker crying his way down the road. It made it all worth while. That's when Trucker entered the insane realm (more insane than the average trucker of course). He pulled into the storage place to complete his road rage.
It only gets better. Part 2 next time.
Movie: Ravenous
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