It had to happen and last night it finally did. Over the past couple months Band A has become less and less a priority in my life for a number of reasons. With the recent achievements of Band B and my recent relocation to the other side of town, practices were turning into more of a hassle than fun. I wish I could have continued to be a part of two bands but I had to make a choice and I went with my instincts. I want to make music my career and with Band B that is more likely to happen. Some of my longest friendships are due to Band A and even my own brother is in it but I knew this was the right thing to do. On Friday I called the guys and told them that instead of practice the next morning as usual I wanted to have a band meeting to talk about my future with them. We were finally able to meet last night. I told them that I needed a break for an indefinite amount of time due to a number of things including my hectic schedule. I’m not really sure what kind of reaction I expected but I told them whatever they wanted to do from this point was up to them. After questioning my motives and reassuring me this was a bad idea, it sounds like they are pretty much done with me and will move on. I feel bad but at the same time this is what I want. It just sucks that I feel like I may also be losing some friends because of this. I hope that won’t be the case.
In more uplifting news, my new residence is great. I went shopping for all the necessities last night (TV dinners!) and also learned the important use of the coupon. Amazing! I saved 20% thanks to the little clippings. I can now prepare and consume food all without the help of a fast food chain. Tonight’s meal: Enchiladas.
Something I’m still getting used to is another thing I got new last week; my new cell phone. After paying my ridiculous cell phone debt, I decided the best thing to do would be to get another cell phone. Luckily one of my new roommates works at the local Cingular Wireless. He hooked my fiancĂ© and I up with a great plan and couple of cool phones. We each got the Motorola V220. It’s got all the goods including flip action and camera capabilities (I’ve always wanted a camera phone!). Maybe soon I’ll buy the USB cord to upload all my cool pictures. I don’t think it will be too difficult after that. Unlimited mobile to mobile and nights and weekends is always the way to go. Another cool feature is the speaker phone, for those times when you’re just to tired to hold the phone to your head.
Last but not least is something I’m very, secretly excited about. The same roommate who helped with the cell phones also happens to be the proud owner of a little game called GTA: San Andreas. Although there are only small gaps of time when he isn’t playing it, I have begun covertly playing it during his game breaks. I even had to delete some old files from my memory card in order to make room for the saves. I’m not very far along in the game but I can tell it’s going to be a lot of fun. Anyways I have to go. Time spent blogging is time I could be playing.
Movie: Any Given Sunday
Home school
Hello Travis
Thanks for leaving your blog open to comments.
I always like to live a little "tidbit" of information, hopefully helpful and hopefully something that will make you think - and act.
This one is short and sweet, and I'll bet you haven't done (or done recently ), but after looking at your blog I'm pretty sure you will at least take some action, because you seem like a smart person.
Set New Goals.
Do you have any old ones written down? Have you set life goals?
Most people don't.
You will if you use some of the FREE information at Lifetime Goals
Have A Happy New Year!
Hi Travis
After reading a good blog I tend to analyze it to see what the person behind it might be like.
I've been in the goal setting business a while now and just like most people with experience in different areas of expertise, I can tell a lot about a person just by speaking to them or reading something they've written.
You haven't wrtten any goals on paper for awhile have you? And if you have I'll bet you haven't looked at them for a long time. Right?
Goal setting is hard work, and harder still if you don't have short range goals, mid range goals and long range goals.
I think you'll agree that few people really take the time to set goals of any kind.
When is the last time you really thought about setting some real goals, or are you like the vast majority of people who just "hope for the best"?
You already know successful people aren't "just lucky", they know how to set effective goals and reach them.
I was like that once, you might be also.
How about changing all that.
Come on over to goals+ and learn exactly how to set effective goals, act on them and be the real you.
There's a ton of FREE information and who knows, this little insert in your blog might well change your life!
Happy New Year!
HELLO Travis
I like to leave little "helps" after reading a good blog, or going over the blog comments, just to start people thinking about, well, everything.
2006 is just around the corner.
Thought about what you would like to achieve next year?
Did you do all you wanted to do this year, personally, professionally and perhaps spiritually?
My guess is; probably not. Most people don't know how to set workable goals and if they do, the don't know how to manage them.
When is the last time you actually took time to write down all you would like to do and accomplish in life? Or even a few of the small things you would like to do but didn't think would be possible?
We all have the potential to get almost anything we want out of life. It just takes a little work, thinking and action.
The first step is knowing how to set effective goals and then of course, how to follow up on them. That's the hard part. Following up.
How would you like to actually make this years New Years Resolution come true? Of course it would have to be attainable, and possible, but you could do it if you knew how.
Use the FREE information @ How To Set Goals and have a really GREAT NEW YEAR.
All the BEST!
HI Travis
After a good read on blogs like this I like to leave little tips on goal setting. You know, the things you used to dream of when you were young, or even now.
A lot of research has shown that only those who set goals are likely to achieve their dreams.
When is the last time you really sat down and wrote a few short term and long term goals down?
What? It's been that long!
A new year is coming. You could do the same things you did this year and achieve the same results you did with your life dreams last year…
…or you could visit Effective Goal Setting and read all the FREE information on setting goals and getting what you want out of life
you could just piddle on through life hoping for the best, like most people do.
Which will it be?
You really can have a lot more of everything than you do now. All you gotta do is know what you want and have a plan.
Have a GREAT New Year!
Hi Travis
After reading a good blog I tend to analyze it to see what the person behind it might be like.
I've been in the goal setting business a while now and just like most people with experience in different areas of expertise, I can tell a lot about a person just by speaking to them or reading something they've written.
You haven't wrtten any goals on paper for awhile have you? And if you have I'll bet you haven't looked at them for a long time. Right?
Goal setting is hard work, and harder still if you don't have short range goals, mid range goals and long range goals.
I think you'll agree that few people really take the time to set goals of any kind.
When is the last time you really thought about setting some real goals, or are you like the vast majority of people who just "hope for the best"?
You already know successful people aren't "just lucky", they know how to set effective goals and reach them.
I was like that once, you might be also.
How about changing all that.
Come on over to goals+ and learn exactly how to set effective goals, act on them and be the real you.
There's a ton of FREE information and who knows, this little insert in your blog might well change your life!
Happy New Year!
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