Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Once Upon a Cell Phone Nightmare

Wanna hear something kinda funny? It’s actually not funny at all but maybe you can learn a lesson or two. Yeah.
I had a cell phone from Cingular™ for about a year and everything was great. I talked to everyone all the time and text messaged people once and a while even. I was a walking commercial for cell phones. That of course changed when I got a bill for $368. Yep, one month of service. Normally my bill was like, $50 something. So naturally I remained calm and called my friendly Cingular™ Customer Service Representative. Surely they would fix this grievous mistake on their part. Come to find out it was no mistake. And do you know how it happened? Those "blessed" rollover minutes. Minutes that were intended to save people from $368 bills. For the first six months of my plan I stayed well under my allotted minutes, therefore accruing thousands of rollover minutes. But one sinister month I began going over on my minutes as well as every month after. Since I had rollover minutes I had no idea and my bill stayed at about $50. Now technically it is my fault because I should have looked at my bill and seen my minutes but I was duped. Yes duped. I, for some reason thought that my contract was for 1000 anytime minutes. I noticed that I used about 800 or so a month. But actually I had only 600 anytime minutes, SIX HUNDED!!!! So eventually I used up all my rollover minutes and I get a giant bill. What’s worse is that I couldn’t pay it and they would not let me pay installments. So the bill sat there getting larger by the day due to late fees and continued service charges (although my phone mysteriously called the automated bill pay number every time I tried to use it). Grand total; $837.71. At that point they terminated my contract, cut my service completely, and sent out the hounds, affectionately known as Debt Collectors. By then I figured my credit was trashed just in time to get married and that I would forever have this monstrous, looming amount of money hunting me. BUT…the moment I had given up all hope of carrying on a normal, consumer driven life, a light at the end of the tunnel, a silver lining around my giant debt. The debt collection company lets me pay in three monthly installments. I can do that! If I make all three payments the collectors won’t put this little incident on my credit. So now, thanks to Debt Collectors Inc., I’m living the dream…paycheck to paycheck.
MORAL – Read your bills carefully or get legally ripped off.


Sucks huh? Oh well. At least it didn’t happen to you. I’m sure you, dear reader are much to street smart to let that happen to you. Now, for today’s Rad Ass website (no it’s not a typo, just embrace it). Web Radio. I’m sure this is so 90’s for some people but I just got into it. In case you’re like me and have no idea, it’s a website that lets you listen to real radio stations from around the world on your computer. So if you’re like me and live in a desert with not much radio variety, this is pretty cool. This site may not be the best one for this type of thing but it works fine and it’s free and that fits my requirements for almost everything. Hope you like it. And remember to let me know of your favorite websites you slackers. I love you all, really.

Movie: Fight Club

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