Saturday, November 12, 2005
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Bored and boring
Anyways, since this is my roommates computer (I've turned into a computer whore. I'll use anyone's.) I guess I'll upload one of his pictures for you.

He's not looking to great in this one but oh well.
Movie: 12 Monkeys
Friday, July 01, 2005
Sleepless in my bed
Okay, I think this will actually be a real blog. I have about an hour and a few things to talk about. I think I explained before that my lack of updates was mainly due to my schedule at work getting screwed up therfore giving me less time at a computer to screw around. It's probably a good thing but certain things suffer as a result. My sincerest apologies.
I will be getting my dream machine any day now and I'm so excited. One cool thing about having it will be having wireless internet. It turns out that in my apartment there is some random WiFi signal coming from somewhere. It's funny because the only place it really comes in decent is in my room. It is a true blessing. I have a feeling I will be spending a lot more time geeking away on a computer once all of this is in line. A big part of this is due to something called Limewire. Depending on when you read this (assuming this blog will last for many, many years on the web) Limewire may have been busted and shut down kind of like Napster but right now it's an amazing thing. It's basically Napster+video+images+programs+documents+whatever! I can spend hours upon hours downloading anything from a song I just heard on the radio to the latest OS for my computer. The full effect of this insanity has yet to be seen but I have a feeling I may be in for some long nights. I didn't go to bed last night due to Limewire, so you see there is definitely the potential for some self-inflicted insomnia.
It seems like just yesterday that Laura and I were having a generic discussion about laptops. She was thinking about getting one and so began a new and expensive chapter in my life. In the three months since she bought her's my desire for one apparently rubbed off on all of my friends. I swear they all have one now. We even convinced a "Windows for life" kid to join the Apple side. He is very happy as you can imagine. I personally have no beef with Windows, I just prefer Macs.
I guess this blog didn't turn out to be packed full of info but I gotta work my way back to the 7 or 8 paragraph blogs slowly (I think I've used that excuse before though...). Anyways, just for kicks, I think I might look into getting some music up on my blog somehow. Maybe today. Check back to see. word.
Movie Donnie Brasco
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Right now I'm typing this on a 17" Powerbook. But it's not what you think. I'm using my friend's dad's and it's beautiful. Again this will not be a very serious post but as soon as I get my very own laptop I will be blogging all the time. Please believe me.
Movie: Casino
Saturday, May 28, 2005
I suck at blogging
Movie: Sideways
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Life Update
So the search for $4000 continues. I'm looking at all my options as far as what is the quickest way I can get my dream computer. Credit cards, loans, high interest savings accounts, prostitution, nothing has panned out so far but I'm not giving up.
I finally have enough details to clue in the eager masses as to what is happening with me and Laura. Up until recently I really was unsure but after talking to her a little bit at a time I have a better understanding. Laura is confused. For the time, we are only friends. I'm trying to act as "friendly" as possible but it's hard to not have "more than friends" feelings. Luckily she is having the same difficulty too, which tells me that she really does still like me. I just hope she figures things out soon because I'm going nuts.
The next thing I'm going to tell you may dissuade you from participating in my little venture but that is not my intention at all. I merely want to inform. As some of you know I am trying to get a free iPod. I followed all the steps but I think I may not be getting it. Not because the company is a farce or anything but because I probably cheated. After reading the rules I decided that instead of asking my friends to put up money for me, I would do it for them. I signed them up and simply gave them all my information (including credit card) but gave their e-mail address. It fooled the computer but now that my account is "under review" I may be placed on hold for a while. I'll keep you updated as developments...uh...develop.
Movie: Where the Buffalo Roam
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Help me Help you
I just wanted to say hey. Not to much stuff happening. I've started doing those free iPod things and it's pretty cool. However, as all good pyramid schemes work, I need your help. If any of these spark an interest click on them.
You do have to follow a few rules but if you do you can get stuff for as low as a few bucks. Just click the links already.
Movie: Bad Santa
Friday, April 01, 2005
Lust in my heart
Laura just got a 12" iBook from the Apple Store in Northridge. I can't stand it anymore. I must have one for myself, but a better one.
I want the 17" Powerbook. 100GB of Memory. 1.6 Gigahertz. CD-RW & DVD-RW burning capabilities. All I need is, oh... about $4000. We'll see.
Movie: The Usual Suspects
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
MySpaced Out
It all started so innocently. It was just a simple website. A simple website with the ability to keep members connected. My first encounter however, was not intended to be a time of connection but rather a time to listen. My band had started an account with MySpace and I wanted to check out "our space." I was impressed to say the least. It was the perfect tool for getting our music to people, litterally all over the world. I listened to our songs and thought it was nice but just then, the madness started. I thought, "Why not start my own account?" Some of my friends were on it so maybe it would be cool. I was exactly correct. Almost everyone I have ever met is on MySpace. People i've never met but would like to meet are on MySpace. My favorite bands are on MySpace. Bands I've never heard of are on MySpace. Celebrities are on MySpace. Parents are on MySpace. Everyone is on MySpace. It takes every ounce of my energy to not sit and waste time on the MySpace world. I can search for people from my past, listen to the latest release from my favorite band, keep track of all my friends and fans, even IM my friends, no AOL required. Every now and then I wipe the drool from my chin, peel my eyes off the screen and do something non-MySpace related, but not too often. I think MySpace should offer a rehab program for people who have become addicted to this digital community, because if I get any worse I may do something rash, like buying another computer so i can do twice as much MySpacing. Oh yeah, I'm already gonna do that.
As if my very own Apple iMac at work wasn't enough I have to go down to The Apple Store and by a couple more. Let me explain. Tonight, Laura (I think that's the first time I've used her name on here!) and I are going to look into picking up laptops. It may sound like fun but for someone on a budget a $4000 laptop seems insane but I know I could easily spend that much. Here's how I'm trying to justify it.
#1 - I don't have a decent computer. #2 - I need a decent computer. #3 - The better computer I get now the longer it will last. #4 - If I want to be a working recording engineer, I need the best of the best.
It's become a very slippery slope. I think Apple should offer a rehab program for people who have become addicted to this digital world.
The final bit of info I have to talk about is my relationship status. To say the least it has changed. Only a couple of weeks ago Laura and I started talking about how maybe it would be in our best intrests if we postponed the wedding. She wanted to go back to school, we both weren't making enough money and neither of us had benfits, things like that. We dacided to officially cancel our immediate plans to marry in October. It was a tough pill to swallow but I knew it was the right choice. As soon as the dust had settled with that decision Laura gave me some seriously bad news. She wanted to "be alone." After forcing her to tell me if we were broken up or just taking a break she chose broken up. Before that even had time to sink in, I think Laura felt she made a wrong move. I was sad but was gonna move on and (just as I'd hoped) she didn't like how easy it was for me. So after a few days of talking, Laura and I are almost starting over. As I write this it kinda sounds weird but as of now things are actually going okay. Be sure to follow this story closely, as things have been known to change rapidly.
Movie: I Heart Huckabee's
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Back from the Dread
In the many months since I've last posted a whole lot has happened. I'll start from the beginning...or where I left off.
Right around Christmas everything was going just dandy and I had ample blogging time as well as capabilities. I worked at my office Tuesday - Friday. and I usually posted on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday. Just as I had gotten a steady routine down everything got screwed. My boss told me that I would only be working at the office two days a week and that the other two days I would be back to working at the main building as a janitor again. The only real day I can post now is on Wednesday. I've finally decided to set aside some time to begin posting again. Hopefully no one will mess with my schedule anymore and I'll be able to get back into it.
Another thing that happened involves my second job as a busser. When I first started working at the restaurant I told them I could work anytime after 5pm. They're open Tuesday – Saturday. So when I started working at the building again for my main job I chose Sunday nights and Monday nights so that it would not conflict with anything. Sounds like good planning, right? Well apparently it wasn't enough. As you may recall, this last Valentine's Day fell on a Monday, so the restaurant wanted to be open for that day and anticipating a large crowd, required everyone to be there. So the week before, I look at the schedule and see the problem. I talked to both my bosses at each of my jobs, told them the problem and asked both if there was anything they could do as far as schedule changing. Both said no. I had to go with my main job and subsequently lost the other. It wasn't a big deal since after the Christmas Season I was only making like $50 a week. I've moved on and I'm looking forward to bigger and better things like (MAKE SURE TO FILL IN WITH SOMETHING COOL AND PROMISING BEFORE POSTING). I'm really excited!
Maybe I'm just not up to snuff anymore but I think this is enough for one update although there's a lot more to tell. Next week I'll tell you everything. I know it's hard to believe me since my last post probably said something similar but we're just gonna have to build up trust all over again. Wait until you read about the wedding status. You won't believe your eyes! Ha Ha, now your hooked!
Movie: Metallica: Some Kind of Monster