In the many months since I've last posted a whole lot has happened. I'll start from the beginning...or where I left off.
Right around Christmas everything was going just dandy and I had ample blogging time as well as capabilities. I worked at my office Tuesday - Friday. and I usually posted on Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday. Just as I had gotten a steady routine down everything got screwed. My boss told me that I would only be working at the office two days a week and that the other two days I would be back to working at the main building as a janitor again. The only real day I can post now is on Wednesday. I've finally decided to set aside some time to begin posting again. Hopefully no one will mess with my schedule anymore and I'll be able to get back into it.
Another thing that happened involves my second job as a busser. When I first started working at the restaurant I told them I could work anytime after 5pm. They're open Tuesday – Saturday. So when I started working at the building again for my main job I chose Sunday nights and Monday nights so that it would not conflict with anything. Sounds like good planning, right? Well apparently it wasn't enough. As you may recall, this last Valentine's Day fell on a Monday, so the restaurant wanted to be open for that day and anticipating a large crowd, required everyone to be there. So the week before, I look at the schedule and see the problem. I talked to both my bosses at each of my jobs, told them the problem and asked both if there was anything they could do as far as schedule changing. Both said no. I had to go with my main job and subsequently lost the other. It wasn't a big deal since after the Christmas Season I was only making like $50 a week. I've moved on and I'm looking forward to bigger and better things like (MAKE SURE TO FILL IN WITH SOMETHING COOL AND PROMISING BEFORE POSTING). I'm really excited!
Maybe I'm just not up to snuff anymore but I think this is enough for one update although there's a lot more to tell. Next week I'll tell you everything. I know it's hard to believe me since my last post probably said something similar but we're just gonna have to build up trust all over again. Wait until you read about the wedding status. You won't believe your eyes! Ha Ha, now your hooked!
Movie: Metallica: Some Kind of Monster
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