It all started so innocently. It was just a simple website. A simple website with the ability to keep members connected. My first encounter however, was not intended to be a time of connection but rather a time to listen. My band had started an account with MySpace and I wanted to check out "our space." I was impressed to say the least. It was the perfect tool for getting our music to people, litterally all over the world. I listened to our songs and thought it was nice but just then, the madness started. I thought, "Why not start my own account?" Some of my friends were on it so maybe it would be cool. I was exactly correct. Almost everyone I have ever met is on MySpace. People i've never met but would like to meet are on MySpace. My favorite bands are on MySpace. Bands I've never heard of are on MySpace. Celebrities are on MySpace. Parents are on MySpace. Everyone is on MySpace. It takes every ounce of my energy to not sit and waste time on the MySpace world. I can search for people from my past, listen to the latest release from my favorite band, keep track of all my friends and fans, even IM my friends, no AOL required. Every now and then I wipe the drool from my chin, peel my eyes off the screen and do something non-MySpace related, but not too often. I think MySpace should offer a rehab program for people who have become addicted to this digital community, because if I get any worse I may do something rash, like buying another computer so i can do twice as much MySpacing. Oh yeah, I'm already gonna do that.
As if my very own Apple iMac at work wasn't enough I have to go down to The Apple Store and by a couple more. Let me explain. Tonight, Laura (I think that's the first time I've used her name on here!) and I are going to look into picking up laptops. It may sound like fun but for someone on a budget a $4000 laptop seems insane but I know I could easily spend that much. Here's how I'm trying to justify it.
#1 - I don't have a decent computer. #2 - I need a decent computer. #3 - The better computer I get now the longer it will last. #4 - If I want to be a working recording engineer, I need the best of the best.
It's become a very slippery slope. I think Apple should offer a rehab program for people who have become addicted to this digital world.
The final bit of info I have to talk about is my relationship status. To say the least it has changed. Only a couple of weeks ago Laura and I started talking about how maybe it would be in our best intrests if we postponed the wedding. She wanted to go back to school, we both weren't making enough money and neither of us had benfits, things like that. We dacided to officially cancel our immediate plans to marry in October. It was a tough pill to swallow but I knew it was the right choice. As soon as the dust had settled with that decision Laura gave me some seriously bad news. She wanted to "be alone." After forcing her to tell me if we were broken up or just taking a break she chose broken up. Before that even had time to sink in, I think Laura felt she made a wrong move. I was sad but was gonna move on and (just as I'd hoped) she didn't like how easy it was for me. So after a few days of talking, Laura and I are almost starting over. As I write this it kinda sounds weird but as of now things are actually going okay. Be sure to follow this story closely, as things have been known to change rapidly.
Movie: I Heart Huckabee's
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