In the office today the topic of stem cell research came up. It’s gonna be on the ballot in November so it’s important to know were you stand. The problem I have is that most people connect SCR with fetal SCR. The deal is that if someone gets an abortion then we can use the dead fetus for good by cloning stem cells, which could potentially cure some diseases. I think this would greatly increase the acceptability of abortions. Abortion is wrong. Yes it’s still a fetus, but that doesn’t mean it’s not alive. "A woman’s choice" is a lame excuse for erasing a mistake from your past at the expense of a child’s life. If a woman is raped and gets pregnant then I still think that abortion is the wrong answer. I think it makes a bad situation worse. You don’t want the kid, fine. That’s perfectly understandable. Don’t keep the kid, but don’t kill it! I think adoption is the answer to a lot of abortion issues. The ONLY time I think it is at all acceptable is when the mother will die due to the pregnancy/delivery. At that point it is a choice, one life or another. This world is a messed up place and there are bad things that happen with or without our doing but I don’t think that just because life gets the better of us we should take the easy road. What do you think?
It’s some serious stuff so now it’s time to talk about the complete opposite. Movies. Is it just me or is there absolutely nothing good in theaters this week. It’s all stuff I’ve already seen or stuff I don’t want to see. I know I talk about movies a lot here but I really enjoy a good movie just like everyone else. They can be so good that they make you see and/or think things differently than before. Sometimes they just hit a spot in you and become a part of your life. Whatever it is a movie does for you it’s all about entertainment and that is the main problem I have with the movies out now. They don’t seem at all entertaining. One thing that gives me hope is to look into coming attractions. Sometimes they are so undeveloped that no one even knows much about the story or its cast but it’s still fun to read about them. It’s a sign that someone out there is still coming up with good ideas. At least some better ideas then Alien Vs. Predator or First Daughter.
The genre I’m really getting into is the guerilla style, low budget, documentary. Ferenhiet 9/11 and Super Size Me are the two that I’ve seen and I think it’s great. Moore has a new one coming out called Sicko. and it’s about the health care industry. This guy is out to get everyone so watch out! I’d love a comment or 10.
Movie: Groundhog Day