This blog has been around for a couple weeks and I think it's entirely possible that no one except for myself has ever seen it. I guess I’m really just doing this for myself, as a form of unconscious therapy. Spilling my guts to the phantom audience. After seeing Hollywood therapists such as Tony Soprano’s Dr Melfi, it seems like therapy is really just the art of inference. "This could be happening because of this part of your life, caused by this, caused by that," etc. Nothing is essentially your fault because the things you do are byproducts of things done to you. I guess that’s kind of true on some emotional levels but it seems more like a cop out. I think people can change, but only if they want to.
I was originally gonna do a fake blog, like some fictitious diary or whatever, but instead I just did this. Maybe some other time I’ll start up a weird, fake one and link it here. I love writing stories so it would probably be similar to that. For all anyone else knows this blog could be a fake one. I don’t know why anyone would invent something so ordinary but maybe I’m just that tricky!!
I guess this blog could turn into something pretty interesting if one of my bands got signed and became as big as David Hasselhoff or something. Whatever happens I’ll try and keep this place up to date throughout all my fame and fortune. Or I’ll just have my personal assistant do it for me.
On another note, I thought of another interesting web site. It's some European radio station’s site called The Atheist Network. Now, I'm no atheist but it's still fun to get on the message boards and rile up the natives. Don’t worry about hurting feelings on here because these guys are already pissed off just at the fact that there are people in the world that believe in God. If you have a good argument they will eventually give up and start calling you gay, which means you won, because they will never change their minds. But then again that’s what makes it so much fun! So go at it.
Movie: Dogma
Yeah, me too.
Hey...came across your blog while browsing today. Will definitely stop back.
As you're in a band, work with bands, etc, I'm hoping you wouldn't mind dropping by my blog to help me advance my music
Thanks - and keep writing!
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