So last night I had to work a little later than normal and because of that, I didn't feel up to driving all the way out to practice then all the way home again. I called the guys after work and told them the deal and they were, to say the least, pissed. They had already driven to practice and set up, but now I wasn't even coming. I apologized and suggested that they practice with just the three of them. Then it turned into; "Maybe you should quit the other band cause it's taking to much of your time, blah blah blah."
This (the band I ditched on) is the band that I'm least interested in because the other has the better chance of turning into something. I still like playing with them just not as much. They always try to pull guilt trips and stuff, while the other band is always pretty laid back. I just got a message from the guitar player in the lesser band to call him back. Who knows what it's about but I'm, really not looking forward to that call, but oh well.
When I started in these bands it was purely for fun but now that I'm getting married I need to re-evaluate my time because bands take up a lot of it. My fiancé has never complained about my being in a band but I don't like not being around her if it's not for a good reason. A band that is really trying to "get big" and realistically has the potential to is not a waste of time, but a band that probably won't make it can be a waste of time.
I’m not sure if I should quit one band for the other (which would have to happen eventually) or stick it out. I’ll keep you posted cause I’m sure you’re dying to know.
Movie: The Sopranos: Season 4, Volume 3
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