Sometimes the internet can feel like an empty, vast desert of stupid crap, but every once and a while you find a really cool website. These are a few that I have found and enjoyed.
One of the coolest is a site called Metaphilm. This site interprets a ton of recent movies and a few old ones. They search far and wide for anyone willing to write an essay that looks a little deeper at modern cinema. One of my favorites is a great take on Fight Club and Calvin & Hobbes. Awesome.
A couple of other cool movie sites are and IMDB. is nice because along with movie news, it is fairly up to date on movie buzz as well. The search feature let's you search names of movies or film makers/actors/crew resulting in a complete list of relevant matches. Selecting a movie that is yet to be released will give you all the info available including a "blogish" style buzz update which lets you know how the movie is coming along. They also have a weekly Buzz Bin that lists the top 20 most intriguing upcoming movie news.
IMDB has even more up to date info on upcoming movies but not much in the "how's the movie coming along" section. One nice thing about IMDB is that people-searches result in tons of info, from what movies they've done or will do, to mini-bios and quotes.
The last site for the day is Free Translation. Just try it.
I'll think of some more later.
Movie: Sleepers
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