I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I think no one even reads this stuff. I have even requested readers’ responses to certain topics but not a word. The last time I said this I got three responses so I thought I maybe had a small audience, but never since. I want to try and get anyone to say anything in the response section, anything at all. Just prove that you’re out there. This may seem like a desperate attempt, and that’s because it is. If you have a blog/website of your own, tell me where it is. If there is a particular web site you like, tell me about it. If there is a certain movie that you love/hate/think I should see, tell me what it is. If you think I suck balls, tell me. Don’t be confused, however. These are only a few of the infinite reasons you could comment on this update. The only thing I’m asking is that you comment. Please!
Anyway, the verdict is in. Total cost to live at home: $300 a month!!!!!! Oh well. What can you do? I’m trying not to care because it won’t change a thing. I’m just glad that I make an extra $300 a month now by babysitting those kids. This just means I won’t be able to save as much as I had hoped. It’s retarded because my parents are so incapable of handling my getting married that they are trying to dump all this "maturity" on me that they think I don’t understand. "How can I ever support a family when I’m so terrible at being responsible?" I guess this is what happens when you out stay your welcome at home. I always knew this would happen, I just was hoping they would wait a couple more months. When they told me they didn’t even know how to do it like normal people so the tone was, "Your in trouble," and (as all my family talks go) was followed by a life lesson. Thanks guys. I’ll remember this lesson all my life, especially when it’s my turn to take care of you. Bastards.
Before I start crying I guess I’ll tell you about something else. Yesterday I had
traffic school. This day of school was all started long ago in May when I got my very first ticket.
Band B had just finished playing a show down in L.A.. The show went pretty well and we were all packed up and ready to head home. As I pulled out of the parking lot of the club I "Failed to Yield" to an oncoming car. Fortunately both of our vehicles were not moving very fast so as soon as I realized what I had done I quickly reversed out of the other car’s way. No harm, no foul, right? Nope. Because the car directly behind the first one carried a couple of L.A.’s finest Peace Officers. They immediately pulled me over and began the long and drawn out process of ticket writing. The good cop/bad cop team surrounded my car and Mr. Hard Ass gave me the low down.
"License and registration and proof of insurance?"
"I only have my license because I just bought this car. I have this temporary registration until my real one comes from the DMV."
Apparently his dumb ass had never seen this kind of thing before.
"I don’t know what this is. You’ll have to take that up with the judge. What about your insurance?"
"I have insurance but I don’t have the insurance card. They haven’t mailed it to me yet."
"What do you mean?" he said with an empty expression on his face, "They give it to you when you get insurance."
This went on for a minute or two until he just gave up trying to understand this complex idea and handed me a ticket for failure to yield, driving without current registration, and driving without insurance. When the ticket came in the mail it added up to over $1000 worth of criminality. Five months later I am finally free of this headache and
traffic school was the easiest part. Yes, this is my life.